• Life in Quarantine

quarantine is a restriction on the movement of people and goods which is intended to prevent the spread of disease or pests. It is often used in connection to disease and illness, preventing the movement of those who may have been exposed to a communicable disease, but do not have a confirmed medical diagnosis . It is distinct from medical isolation , in which those confirmed to be infected with a communicable disease are isolated from the healthy population. Quarantine considerations are often one aspect of border control.The concept of quarantine has been known since biblical times, and is known to have been practiced through history in various places. Notable quarantines in modern history include that of the village of Eyam in 1665 during the subsonic plague outbreak in England;East Samoa during the 1918 flu pandemic; the  1972 Yugoslav smallpox outbreak , and extensive quarantines applied throughout the world during the COVID-19 pandemic .Ethical and practical considerations need to be considered when applying quarantine to people. Practice differs from country to country. In some countries, quarantine is just one of many measures governed by legislation relating to the broader concept of bio-security ; for example Australian bio-security is governed by the single overarching Bio-security Act 2015 .

These were all little details about what a quarantine is and a few incidents ,in my blog i am going to talk about the quarantine of 2020 which is corona virus which is a deadly disease. COVID-19 stands for'CO' stands for corona, 'VI' for virus, and 'D' for disease. Formerly, this disease was referred to as '2019 novel coronavirus' or '2019-NCO virus.' The COVID-19 virus is a new virus linked to the same family of viruses as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and some types of common cold. COVID-19 affects different people in different ways. Most infected people will develop mild to moderate illness and recover without hospitalization. The most common symptoms are fever, dry cough, tiredness. Less common symptoms are aches and pains, sore throat, diarrhea, conjunctivitis, headache, loss of taste or smell, a rash on skin, or discoloration of fingers or toes and the serious symptoms are difficulty breathing or shortness of breath, chest pain or pressure, loss of speech or movement.Seek immediate medical attention if you have serious symptoms. Always call before visiting your doctor or health facility.People with mild symptoms who are otherwise healthy should manage their symptoms at home.There is no specific treatment for disease caused by a novel coronavirus. However, many of the symptoms can be treated and therefore treatment based on the patient's clinical condition.The median time from onset to clinical recovery for mild cases is approximately 2 weeks and is 3-6 weeks for patients with severe or critical disease. Antibiotics do not work against viruses. The 2019-NCO virus is a virus and, therefore, antibiotics should not be used as a means of prevention or treatment.Current evidence on other corona virus strains shows that while corona viruses appear to be stable at low and freezing temperatures for a certain period, food hygiene and good food safety practices can prevent their transmission through food.People with COVID-19 generally develop signs and symptoms, including mild respiratory symptoms and fever, on an average of 5-6 days after infection (mean incubation period 5-6 days, range 1-14 days). Most people infected with COVID-19 virus have mild disease and recover. the COVID-19 virus can be transmitted in All areas , including areas with hot and humid weather. Regardless of climate, adopt protective measures if you live in, or travel to an area reporting COVID-19. The best way to protect yourself against COVID-19 is by frequently cleaning your hands. By doing this you eliminate viruses that may be on your hands and avoid infection that could occur by then touching your eyes, mouth, and nose.People of all ages can be infected by the new corona virus (COVID19). Older people, and people with per-existing medical conditions (such as obesity, asthma, diabetes, heart disease) appear to be more vulnerable to becoming severely ill with the virus.WHO advises people of all ages to take steps to protect themselves from the virus, for example by following good hand hygiene and good respiratory hygiene.There have been many deaths so we should be careful.It has caused millions of deaths so we should be careful.

To prevent the spread of COVID-19:
Clean your hands often. Use soap and water, or an alcohol-based hand rub.
Maintain a safe distance from anyone who is coughing or sneezing.
Don’t touch your eyes, nose or mouth.
Cover your nose and mouth with your bent elbow or a tissue when you cough or sneeze.
Stay home if you feel unwell.
If you have a fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical attention. Call in advance.
Follow the directions of your local health authority.
